
We will identify and involve the people and organisations that are affected by the focus of the engagement. 

How will we know we have met this Standard?

  • The people and groups who are affected by the focus of the engagement are involved at the earliest opportunity.

  • Measures are taken to involve groups with protected characteristics (see below) and people who are excluded from participating due to disadvantage relating to social or economic factors.

  • Participants in the community engagement process commit to continued two-way communication with the people they work with or represent.

  • A wide range of opinions, including minority and opposing views, are valued in the engagement process.

Protected characteristics

It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of one of the protected characteristics, which are as follows. 

Age, disability, sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation 

For more information about the Equality Act 2010 click here